What is aesthetic
Aesthetics, or the philosophy of art, is the study of beauty and taste. It is about interpreting works of art and art movements or theories. The term aesthetic is also used to designate a particular style, for example the “chess aesthetic, the “Japanese aesthetic”.
The word aesthetic is also an adjective and adverb relating to cosmetology and medicine, as in aesthetic medicine. Also spelt æsthetics and esthetics, the word is derived from the Ancient Greek αἰσθητικός (aisthetikos, meaning “esthetic, sensitive, sentient, pertaining to sense perception”), which in turn was derived from αἰσθάνομαι (aisthanomai, meaning “I perceive, feel, sense”).
The idea of the aesthetic developed from the idea of taste and beauty. Before the early 1700s, thinkers developed general theories of proportion and harmony, detailed most specifically in architecture and music. An extended, philosophical reflection on aesthetic emerge with the widening of leisure activities in the eighteenth century.
In medicine we use the term AESTHETIC referring to judge and treat parameters of beauty and harmony.
There is one main specialty in medicine in charge of restore those parameters, Plastic Surgery the branch of surgery in charge of the repair of certain shapes and functions of the body that have been lost, or hindered, for whatever reason.
PLASTIC SURGERY is divided in Restorative Surgery (surgery of necessity) and Cosmetic Surgery.
COSMETIC SURGERY: Is the branch of plastic surgery in charge of maintaining the parameters of beauty of the body. It is, therefore, optative surgery and not “of necessity”. Cosmetic surgery has developed as a result of the constant competitiveness in a society that values the parameters of “BEAUTY” to a supreme degree.
This term, mentioned previously, does not have an exact definition. One could say that they are “those cultural characters of harmony that make something pleasantly visible”. This valuation makes many people lose their self-esteem, when not being able to attain their own ideal of beauty, and make use of cosmetic surgery in order to reach it. Thus, cosmetic surgery brings self-esteem, and helps the individual to feel more at ease in society.
In order of restore parameters more superficials where surgery is consider to aggressive appear the COSMÉTIC MEDICINE that include:
a- Dermal Fillers
b- Botox
c- Magic Threats
d- Facial and body Cosmetics
c- Varicose Veins treatments
e- Radiofrequency Treatments
f- etc.
a- Facial Lifting
b- Blepharoplasty
c- Breast Reduction
e- Breast Enhancement
f- Tummy Tuck
g- Liposuction
h- Female Intimate Surgery
i- etc.