Facial CO2 Laser Resurfacing
Laser technology is the application of a light of great intensity concentrated on a point. In that case, when the lights is concentrated on a single point the equipment is used as surgical scalpel, that is to say to carry out any surgical procedure, of general surgery or in this case of Aesthetic Surgery.
In the case of Laser CO2 equipment (Carbonic Anhydride) it can be coupled, also with a Scanner with which is controlled, not alone the depth of the treatment, as the duration of the same one and the superficial quantity of tissue to treat. With the Scanner we can treat single pathological lesions of the skin, but also the superficial and deep wrinkles, product of the normal process of aging, being denominated to this procedure: Facial Laser Resurfacing.
Facial Laser Resurfacing with laser of CO2 has revolutionized the surgical treatment of the wrinkles of the face. With this procedure we can treat the entirety of the facial wrinkles making them practically disappear in a single session of Laser. The conventional treatment of face wrinkles for surgery, the Facial Lifting, has precise indications that have not been replaced by the laser. There are wrinkles of difficult solution, like the peri-buccal ones, those of the forehead, etc. that can be solved with the CO2 Laser in the same surgical act.
That is to sy, these two treatments are complementary in the global treatment of the wrinkles of the face.
Laser Resurfacing is a method for which a controlled EPIDERMO-TERMOLISIS of the superficial layers of the skin is carried out. The treatment can be done with local or general anesthesia and in all the cases it is of quick recovery and with spectacular results.
The treatment of the face wrinkles with Laser of CO2 is ideal in those incipient cases of relatively young patient in with being to appear the first wrinkles and with this treatment, they delayed the facial aging in several years.
Also in those patients that cannot be subjected for reasons of general health to a great surgery like it is it the conventional Facial Lifting.
The wrinkles that are frequently treat with this procedure are:
a) Complete facial resurfacing
b) Wrinkles of the forehead
c) Peri-oral winkles
d) Wrinkles around the eyes
Presentation about “Threads Lift” at the Institute of Medical Sciences
Last Thursday May 12, Dr. Esbry gave the presentation about “Threads Lift” in an event held at the Institute of Medical Sciences of Alicante.
This presentation was the first of a circuit of conferences related to cosmetic medicine whose aim is to bring patients to the aesthetic sector, solve all doubts and strengthen the bonds of trust with ICM center specialist.
The event started at 19:00, with the presentation of Dr. Luis de Teresa Parreno, manager of the forefront clinic.
The lecture consisted of 2 parts. The technical part was dictated by Beatriz Belenguer, senior technician in Integral Aesthetics and Oncology, backed by extensive training and over 15 years of professional experience.
The medical part was dictated by Dr. Jorge Esbry, aesthetic surgeon in London with more than 35 years of experience in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery who has held management positions in various hospitals located in countries such as Argentina, United States, Spain and UK where he has been perfecting their operating techniques and evolving in his profession.
The extensive experience of these specialists, instruments and cutting-edge techniques with high levels of safety and accuracy bring the best results to the patient.
During the talk they solved all the questions asked by the audience.
Elevation of the tail of the brows
This is a procedure that can be carried out on its own or in conjunction with any of the operations mentioned previously.
Indications: This operation is indicated when, due to this lowering of the tail of the brows, the face acquires a permanently sad and fatigued look. The sides of the forehead are also involved in this operation as this reduces the ageing sensation.
Procedure: Two methods can be used: One is the undermining of the skin of the sides of the forehead and the external angles of the brows in a deep plane and their elevation and fixation by means of a small biodegradable implant (Endotime Lift). The other procedure, much simpler, economical, and of quick recovery, is the external fixation with special threads.
Surgical elevation: This procedure consists of a small scar, hidden by the hair. There is undermining of the skin of the sides of the forehead until reaching the brows. A small biodegradable implant of Vicryl is placed on the bones of the skull (Endotime Lift). This implant keeps the tissues fixed and gives the necessary fibrosis, thus prolonging the effect of the operation.
Anaesthesia: I generally use local anaesthesia, following sedation, so that the patient can return home after a short period of rest.
Sutures: These are removed after 7 days and the scar is imperceptible.
Recovery: 7 days approximately.
About Partial Lifting (Mini Lifting)
Indications: When only the lower half the face is treated. This is a procedure used in cases of incipient wrinkles, usually in younger patients who want to overcome the ageing process, but do not need a complete lifting. The lower part of the cheeks is lifted, thus improving the facial contour. This can also be done in conjunction with an elevation of the tail of the brows. If the patient so wishes, a resurfacing with Co2 Laser can be carried out at the same time.
Procedure: Undermining of the skin of the cheeks with traction towards the ears tightened in order to lengthen the duration of the results. Resurfacing can be peri-oral, peri-orbital, or off the forehead.
Scars: Scars are located either in front of, or inside, the ear, with a slight continuation behind it. The resurfaced area acquires a pink pigmentation that lasts for 3 to 4 months.
Sutures: Sutures are removed 7 to 10 days after the operation or, in some cases, they are self-disolving.
Anaesthesia: Local anaesthesia with oor without previous sedation, depending on the patient’s emotional state. In either case hospitalisation is not necessary and the patient can return home after the operation.
Recovery: Being a less aggressive procedure than a total lifting, recovery time is shorter and can vary from 5 to 8 days, extending to 10 if there has been resurfacing.
Complete Facial Lifting: Procedure, scars, sutures, recovery
It is an important aspect of aesthetic surgery procedures. Facial lifting is indicated in people who have lost the elasticity of the skin of the face, with the consequent formation of wrinkles, deep furrows, hanging of the chin line, formation of bags under eyes, collapse of the skin of the superior eyelids, etc.
Facial lifting can be: COMPLETE FACIAL LIFTING
Indications: When a patient needs surgical restauration of the whole face, it is necesary to proceed to surgical resection of the skin of the superior and inferior eyelids, as well as surgical resection of the fat contained in the bags of the superior and inferior lids.
The same procedure is applicable when treating the wrinkles of the neck, and the elevation of the tail of the eyebrows. These procedures may call for the necessity of a partial resurfacing of the peri-oral or peri-orbital areas, respectively.
Procedure: In order to carry out the above mentioned procedures, it is necessary to undermine the entire skin of the face, for its elevation and traction up and behind, and resection of the redundant skin. Internally it is possible to proceed to the tightening of deeper tissues in order to obtain a firmer result. The resurfacing is carried out with CO2 Laser, which eliminates the finer wrinkles that surgery cannot reach.
Scars: The resulting scars are located in such places that they are practically unnoticeable. The most visible scars is located in front of the ear and, in some cases, inside it.
Sutures: Sutures are removed within 7 to 10 days after the operation or, in some cases, they are self-disolving.
Anaesthesia: In general it is local anaesthesia, following sedation. In most cases the patient can return home after a short period of rest (2 to 3 hours). If necesary it can be done under general anesthesia.
Recovery: This varies from individual to individual but, in general, the post-operatory inflammation and haematomas last from 10 to 15 days. In cases of resurfacing, the patient will need to take additional precautions such as the use of creams, sun protectors, etc.