Facial CO2 Laser Resurfacing
Laser technology is the application of a light of great intensity concentrated on a point. In that case, when the lights is concentrated on a single point the equipment is used as surgical scalpel, that is to say to carry out any surgical procedure, of general surgery or in this case of Aesthetic Surgery.
In the case of Laser CO2 equipment (Carbonic Anhydride) it can be coupled, also with a Scanner with which is controlled, not alone the depth of the treatment, as the duration of the same one and the superficial quantity of tissue to treat. With the Scanner we can treat single pathological lesions of the skin, but also the superficial and deep wrinkles, product of the normal process of aging, being denominated to this procedure: Facial Laser Resurfacing.
Facial Laser Resurfacing with laser of CO2 has revolutionized the surgical treatment of the wrinkles of the face. With this procedure we can treat the entirety of the facial wrinkles making them practically disappear in a single session of Laser. The conventional treatment of face wrinkles for surgery, the Facial Lifting, has precise indications that have not been replaced by the laser. There are wrinkles of difficult solution, like the peri-buccal ones, those of the forehead, etc. that can be solved with the CO2 Laser in the same surgical act.
That is to sy, these two treatments are complementary in the global treatment of the wrinkles of the face.
Laser Resurfacing is a method for which a controlled EPIDERMO-TERMOLISIS of the superficial layers of the skin is carried out. The treatment can be done with local or general anesthesia and in all the cases it is of quick recovery and with spectacular results.
The treatment of the face wrinkles with Laser of CO2 is ideal in those incipient cases of relatively young patient in with being to appear the first wrinkles and with this treatment, they delayed the facial aging in several years.
Also in those patients that cannot be subjected for reasons of general health to a great surgery like it is it the conventional Facial Lifting.
The wrinkles that are frequently treat with this procedure are:
a) Complete facial resurfacing
b) Wrinkles of the forehead
c) Peri-oral winkles
d) Wrinkles around the eyes

35 years of experience in aesthetic and repair surgery
The aesthetic and repair surgery is an art where the surgeon molds with his hands the appearance of his patients. Doctor Jorge Esbry is a true artist and a prominent figure in this field. He has more than 35 years of experience and has on his back an extensive plethora of procedures.
During his career he has holded managerial positions in diverse hospitals localized in countries like Argentina, the United States of America, Spain and England; specializing in the areas of burns, cleft lips, aesthetic and cancer surgery; and has worked with patients of all ages.
In Alicante, where he currently lives, he has performed his job in the clinic of Vista Hermosa, among other healthcare centres. In addition, he has his own brand of clinics, Transformations Spain. Besides his work in Alicante, he is certified in London and works for a well-known clinic.
Doctor Jorge Esbry has a lively and inquisitive personality to which he adds up a vocation as strong as steel. That alone has granted him a place in multiple hospitals cooperating with multitude of specialists with which he has improved his surgery skills and has evolved in his profession. Also, Doctor Esbry owns state-of-the-art tools and techniques which, together with high levels of security and precision, achieves wonderful results in the patients.
At the time of surgery, he is very thorough in every step he does, so that he gets the amazing results he looks for, avoiding any postoperative pain. With great sense of aesthetic and very ingrained professional ethics, he works for the patient’s well-being, doing whatever he is able to reach the goals the patient asks for. Empathy with the surgeon is key to entrust him your appearance, that’s why Doctor Esbry is a surgeon who likes to connect with the patient to carry out his job.