Facial CO2 Laser Resurfacing
Laser technology is the application of a light of great intensity concentrated on a point. In that case, when the lights is concentrated on a single point the equipment is used as surgical scalpel, that is to say to carry out any surgical procedure, of general surgery or in this case of Aesthetic Surgery.
In the case of Laser CO2 equipment (Carbonic Anhydride) it can be coupled, also with a Scanner with which is controlled, not alone the depth of the treatment, as the duration of the same one and the superficial quantity of tissue to treat. With the Scanner we can treat single pathological lesions of the skin, but also the superficial and deep wrinkles, product of the normal process of aging, being denominated to this procedure: Facial Laser Resurfacing.
Facial Laser Resurfacing with laser of CO2 has revolutionized the surgical treatment of the wrinkles of the face. With this procedure we can treat the entirety of the facial wrinkles making them practically disappear in a single session of Laser. The conventional treatment of face wrinkles for surgery, the Facial Lifting, has precise indications that have not been replaced by the laser. There are wrinkles of difficult solution, like the peri-buccal ones, those of the forehead, etc. that can be solved with the CO2 Laser in the same surgical act.
That is to sy, these two treatments are complementary in the global treatment of the wrinkles of the face.
Laser Resurfacing is a method for which a controlled EPIDERMO-TERMOLISIS of the superficial layers of the skin is carried out. The treatment can be done with local or general anesthesia and in all the cases it is of quick recovery and with spectacular results.
The treatment of the face wrinkles with Laser of CO2 is ideal in those incipient cases of relatively young patient in with being to appear the first wrinkles and with this treatment, they delayed the facial aging in several years.
Also in those patients that cannot be subjected for reasons of general health to a great surgery like it is it the conventional Facial Lifting.
The wrinkles that are frequently treat with this procedure are:
a) Complete facial resurfacing
b) Wrinkles of the forehead
c) Peri-oral winkles
d) Wrinkles around the eyes

Decalogue of the Aesthetic Medicine patient
Aesthetic medicine is an integration of social medicine, preventive, curative and rehabilitation medicine for the community. Its ultimate purpose is the construction and reconstruction of physical and mental balance.
Here, a decalogue of criteria that should be followed to approach aesthetic medicine in the most effective and safe way possible, according to SEME (Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine)
1.- Educate yourself: Do not settle for an article in the press, television or the Internet, you must check and see the official certificates that indicate that you are in an authorized aesthetic medicine clinic.
2.- Ask for all the explanations: The aesthetic doctor will always make a complete visit and diagnosis before any treatment. Likewise, he will explain the entire procedure, limitations and possible complications. Always check with your doctor about “informed consent.”
3.- The best cure is prevention: If you start thinking now about what it will be like in ten years and consult your aesthetic doctor, he will tell you the best way to start healthy lifestyle habits to get the most out of your current treatments. and that the passage of time be as least harmful as possible to your health and your image.
4.- Evaluate the alternatives: Think about the possible methods of intervention and, in case of doubt, the ideal is to opt for the least invasive solution. It is true that gentle techniques have gentle results, but also slight complications. And you can always opt for the most invasive solution when you are clear.
5.- Say no to “quick and immediate” beauty: You must be careful with those who promise too much, beware of miracles, magicians and above all you must have confidence in the advice of the expert professional, even if it is not what you want hear. Do not insist on “something else”.
6.- Request the documentation and the professional responsible for your treatment: Name and membership number of the attending physician, details of the treatment techniques used, the medicines or medical devices and the equipment used (composition, brand, etc. .).
7.- Do not take the result for granted: You should not go to the aesthetic doctor as if it were a walk or something innocuous, it is a medical treatment, therefore, you should think and reflect, as you would before any other medical professional.
8.- Explain the aesthetic objective of your consultation: You must clearly describe to the aesthetic doctor what you want to achieve, what your expectations are and make sure that he has understood it. You must ask him to inform you if aesthetic medicine is capable of achieving the expected result and through what means.
9.- Do not point to unattainable models: You have to be realistic, famous media figures and models are often not “real”, since there are currently thousands of tricks (almost magical) in the media such as Photoshop. Instead, ask your doctor to help you make the best of your features and condition.
10.- Contact only certified professionals with years of experience.

Medical Recertification
A very important issue in the medical world is RECERTIFICATION.
This procedure of strict compliance in the Anglo-Saxon world and some Latin American countries, Argentina among them, aims to periodically supervise the suitability or continuing education of doctors, thus ensuring that the provision they provide and therefore the care that their patients receive, is the appropriate one.
This periodic and necessary procedure must be supervised exclusively by the medical authorities, and not by state agencies outside the profession, since only a doctor can evaluate the activity of another doctor and this evaluator is subject to the relevant medical organizations such as the WTO, Medical Colleges, etc.
The Ministry of Health and Environment, in the case of Spain, should be the guarantor of this process and lay the foundations on which it should be carried out, but not be the executing arm of it.
Recertification must be carried out by every doctor who practices medicine, whether in the private or state sphere, and must adhere to strict regulations agreed upon and supervised by them, to determine transparency and fairness.
In my view, in Spain the “non-compulsory, nor universal enrollment” should not fall on the Medical Colleges as is usually done, but on the Ministry of Health, who in this way would also guarantee the Recertification process.
Enrollment should be universal; Every doctor who practices medicine, whether in the state or private sphere, should be registered, that is: “Authorized to practice medicine” and this registration should be free and for the purposes of control by the State and not in the possession of the colleges Regional doctors for which it is necessary to “register and pay an annual fee for it”.
In this way, the “registration” would help the doctor to practice throughout the country without the need to be “registered” in each Medical College where he needs to practice. It would also serve to carry out a strict census of the doctors who practice the profession, their demographic distribution and the real needs of the system.
EVENTS: Aesthetic Conferences
Some photographs of the events of Dr. Esbry about Aesthetic.

What is aesthetic
Aesthetics, or the philosophy of art, is the study of beauty and taste. It is about interpreting works of art and art movements or theories. The term aesthetic is also used to designate a particular style, for example the “chess aesthetic, the “Japanese aesthetic”.
The word aesthetic is also an adjective and adverb relating to cosmetology and medicine, as in aesthetic medicine. Also spelt æsthetics and esthetics, the word is derived from the Ancient Greek αἰσθητικός (aisthetikos, meaning “esthetic, sensitive, sentient, pertaining to sense perception”), which in turn was derived from αἰσθάνομαι (aisthanomai, meaning “I perceive, feel, sense”).
The idea of the aesthetic developed from the idea of taste and beauty. Before the early 1700s, thinkers developed general theories of proportion and harmony, detailed most specifically in architecture and music. An extended, philosophical reflection on aesthetic emerge with the widening of leisure activities in the eighteenth century.
In medicine we use the term AESTHETIC referring to judge and treat parameters of beauty and harmony.
There is one main specialty in medicine in charge of restore those parameters, Plastic Surgery the branch of surgery in charge of the repair of certain shapes and functions of the body that have been lost, or hindered, for whatever reason.
PLASTIC SURGERY is divided in Restorative Surgery (surgery of necessity) and Cosmetic Surgery.
COSMETIC SURGERY: Is the branch of plastic surgery in charge of maintaining the parameters of beauty of the body. It is, therefore, optative surgery and not “of necessity”. Cosmetic surgery has developed as a result of the constant competitiveness in a society that values the parameters of “BEAUTY” to a supreme degree.
This term, mentioned previously, does not have an exact definition. One could say that they are “those cultural characters of harmony that make something pleasantly visible”. This valuation makes many people lose their self-esteem, when not being able to attain their own ideal of beauty, and make use of cosmetic surgery in order to reach it. Thus, cosmetic surgery brings self-esteem, and helps the individual to feel more at ease in society.
In order of restore parameters more superficials where surgery is consider to aggressive appear the COSMÉTIC MEDICINE that include:
a- Dermal Fillers
b- Botox
c- Magic Threats
d- Facial and body Cosmetics
c- Varicose Veins treatments
e- Radiofrequency Treatments
f- etc.
a- Facial Lifting
b- Blepharoplasty
c- Breast Reduction
e- Breast Enhancement
f- Tummy Tuck
g- Liposuction
h- Female Intimate Surgery
i- etc.

Presentation about “Threads Lift” at the Institute of Medical Sciences
Last Thursday May 12, Dr. Esbry gave the presentation about “Threads Lift” in an event held at the Institute of Medical Sciences of Alicante.
This presentation was the first of a circuit of conferences related to cosmetic medicine whose aim is to bring patients to the aesthetic sector, solve all doubts and strengthen the bonds of trust with ICM center specialist.
The event started at 19:00, with the presentation of Dr. Luis de Teresa Parreno, manager of the forefront clinic.
The lecture consisted of 2 parts. The technical part was dictated by Beatriz Belenguer, senior technician in Integral Aesthetics and Oncology, backed by extensive training and over 15 years of professional experience.
The medical part was dictated by Dr. Jorge Esbry, aesthetic surgeon in London with more than 35 years of experience in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery who has held management positions in various hospitals located in countries such as Argentina, United States, Spain and UK where he has been perfecting their operating techniques and evolving in his profession.
The extensive experience of these specialists, instruments and cutting-edge techniques with high levels of safety and accuracy bring the best results to the patient.
During the talk they solved all the questions asked by the audience.

Plastic Surgery vs Aesthetic Surgery
Plastic Surgery is the branch of surgery in charge of the repair of certain shapes and functions of the body, that have been lost, or hindered, for whatever reason. In this sense it is, in many cases, surgery “of necessity”.
Aesthetic Surgery is the branch of plasctic surgery in charge of maintaining parameters of beauty of the body. It is, therefore, optative surgery and not “of necessity”. Aesthetic surgery has developped as a result of the constant competitiveness in a society that values the parameters of “Beauty” to a supreme degree. This term, mentioned previously, does not have an exact definition. One could say that they are “those cultural characters of harmony that make something pleasantly visible”. This valuation makes many people lose their self-esteem, when not beig able to attain their own ideal of beauty, and make use of aesthetic surgery in order to reach it. Thus, aesthetic surgery brings self-esteem, and helps the individual to feel more at ease in society.
To explain the difference I’ll start by defining plastic surgery. The term “plastic” in plastic surgery is derived from the Greek word “plastikos,” which means to mold or shape. There are several specialized fields under plastic surgery including reconstructive surgery which involves the restoration of almost any body part that is abnormal due to a trauma/accident, cancer or birth defect; and aesthetic surgery, (sometimes referred to as cosmetic surgery), which is the aesthetic enhancement of the body or re-shaping normal tissue to improve appearance.
In other words, aesthetic surgery is a sub-specialty of plastic surgery. Reconstructive surgery is often considered ‘medically necessary’ and may be covered by health insurance.
In conclusion, if you are considering any type of procedure it is prudent to be aware of the education and training of the surgeon you’re considering for your procedure.

Workshop in IMED Hospitales about Dermal Fillers
The last Friday, 22nd of January, IMED Hospitales have organized an interesting and educational workshop. In this workshop, Group SEBBIN, as implants experts have taught about dermal fillers. Our professional Doctor, Jorge Esbry, has been in the meeting to improve his knowledge about the brand and its methods.
IMED Hospitales is a group that was set up to develop a network of private hospitals offering high quality,customised health care with cutting edge facilities and equipment, both through ownership and management.
The hospital quickly earned a reputation as a reference for private health care in the north of Alicante and, with yearly increases in its clinical activity indicators, it established itself as a benchmark for private health care throughout the province.
Today IMED Hospitales has 4 hospitals: IMED Levante, IMED Teulada, IMED Elche and IMED Torrevieja, and within two years another two will be operational: IMED Valencia and IMED Murcia.
IMED Elche has been developed in order to offer high quality private medical services in Elche and its surrounding towns due to the absence of such facilities in the area. The healthcare services offered at IMED Elche are based on three principles:
-Specialised medical care.
-Avant-garde installations and technology.
-A reputable team of professionals with first class expertise.
Groupe SEBBIN opens Sebbin University to provide master classes to plastic surgeons in the aesthetic and reconstructive surgery field. Located in Zurich, Sebbin University is launching its first session in April 2015.
Groupe SEBBIN, as a French company established almost 30 years ago, creates, develops, manufactures and markets high quality implants and expanders for cosmetic and reconstructive surgery.
Their products are made in France, in their factory in Val d’Oise. The added value lies in the hand-crafted work that silicone involves: manufacture completely by hand makes it possible to impose strict quality control over 100% of their implants with optimum safety.

35 years of experience in aesthetic and repair surgery
The aesthetic and repair surgery is an art where the surgeon molds with his hands the appearance of his patients. Doctor Jorge Esbry is a true artist and a prominent figure in this field. He has more than 35 years of experience and has on his back an extensive plethora of procedures.
During his career he has holded managerial positions in diverse hospitals localized in countries like Argentina, the United States of America, Spain and England; specializing in the areas of burns, cleft lips, aesthetic and cancer surgery; and has worked with patients of all ages.
In Alicante, where he currently lives, he has performed his job in the clinic of Vista Hermosa, among other healthcare centres. In addition, he has his own brand of clinics, Transformations Spain. Besides his work in Alicante, he is certified in London and works for a well-known clinic.
Doctor Jorge Esbry has a lively and inquisitive personality to which he adds up a vocation as strong as steel. That alone has granted him a place in multiple hospitals cooperating with multitude of specialists with which he has improved his surgery skills and has evolved in his profession. Also, Doctor Esbry owns state-of-the-art tools and techniques which, together with high levels of security and precision, achieves wonderful results in the patients.
At the time of surgery, he is very thorough in every step he does, so that he gets the amazing results he looks for, avoiding any postoperative pain. With great sense of aesthetic and very ingrained professional ethics, he works for the patient’s well-being, doing whatever he is able to reach the goals the patient asks for. Empathy with the surgeon is key to entrust him your appearance, that’s why Doctor Esbry is a surgeon who likes to connect with the patient to carry out his job.